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Friday 17 July 2015

Sunshine Dollup XVI

He stood close to me examining my face carefully.  'I'll be fine ' I told him. Smiling at him reassurringly. 'Please make yourself comfortable.' I moved away gesturing him to a seat. 'Thank you. Can I offer you anything to drink?  I'm fine Ella. Thanks.' I sat beside him on the couch.  There was an awkward moment of silence.  'Do you want us to postpone our date?' I was quiet.  Didn't know what to say. I was not in the mood but then I could have just called it off before now and not waited for him to come all the way here.

I contemplated. Claude could probably read my mind because he spoke up first. 'We could make it some other time if you aren't feeling up to it, okay? ' I nodded.  'Do you have a headache? ' Oh my God. This guy won't give up till I have actually told him whats eating me up I guess. How do I tell him I got raped  or forced to have sex earlier with my ex.  For God's sake I do not want to make a big deal out of it. I would hate to let people know about this much less Claude. A look at him and I saw so much tenderness in his eyes. He looked concerned.  I should probably tell him something. 'Yes I guess I'm spent. Ok, your eyes are so red. Do they hurt?' He asked. I shook my head to say no. I bit my lips and bent my head down to avoid his gaze at this time. I was feeling teary.

' You need a lie down then. I could leave so you can get some rest. I'll come back in the morning to check on you. Is that okay?.' I shook my head. He looked confused by now. 'No? ' The guy must have noticed something because he looked stunned all of a sudden.  The tears just streaked down my cheeks. Oh Yella. What are you trying to do? Sitting infront of a guy and crying like that. Can't you control yourself?  Claude closed in on the space between us. Pulling me into his arms. 'Its okay. ..' He said holding me in his arms. My head rested against his chests and as hard as I tried,  I just could not stop myself from crying.

He just held me. 'Ella, I'm sorry but please stop crying. ..Please. ' I must have cried for a while till I stopped.  I pulled out of his arms and he let me. He wiped away my tear on my left cheek with his thumb and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket. He handed it to me. 'Thank you' I managed to say.  Wiping my tears with it. 'I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to cry.  That's okay . It feels better now. Good to  know it does. ' I excused myself to go to the bathroom to wash my face and blow my nose.

When I got back,  Claude was watching Tv. He smiled at me. 'Have you eaten?' He asked. 'No. I haven't . I'll soon be starving.  Can I get you something to eat? Pizza, hope you'll share  it with me. Ok. I could call delivery. Which one would you like?' Claude asked me. I shook my head. 'I leave that to you.'  I gave him my house address and watched as he called to place an order for delivery.

We waited for the pizza and whilst we did, we talked and he made me laugh a lot. Finally, the doorbell rang. 'Can I get it?' Claude asked. 'Ok.' He went to get the door.  'Hi, is Ella around please? '  Before Claude could answer. I screamed;' little sister....' He ushered her inside. 'Hey. What was that for? I almost went back home. You weren't picking your phone. I'm sorry Aya. I seriously can't tell where my phone is. That's so annoying. Then throw your phone away please.  You throw yours away first.'  We both began to laugh. She walked to the couch where I was seated and hugged me. 'Well happy to see you finally.  Me too Aya. Claude just  watched us.

'Have you heard from Mummy? ' I asked her. 'Yes she's called me six times already.  I finally had to come here. ' I couldn't help but laugh. You and your mummy. 'Oh Ella. Its absurd. Enjoy it sister.  She's done that to everyone.  Its your turn. What can I do? ' We both laughed. Just then, the doorbell rang again.Aya and I looked on expectantly as Claude went to get it. We heard him talk to someone and then he came back inside with the family size pizza and a bag.

I got up and showed him to the kitchen.  To the dining table. Aya followed too. 'Claude,  please meet my sister.  She's Aya. Aya, meet Claude my friend. ' They exchanged pleasantries.  Aya left us to get settled whilst Claude and I munched on the pizza and drank along.

When we were done, we still sat down in the living room to chat till  half past eleven. Claude said he had to go so I would get some rest. I offered to walk him to his car but he said the door would be fine and that it was late. So my journey ended at the door.  Claude hugged me. 'Please let me know when you get home. Sure I will.' I watched as he descended the stairs and disappeared. Then I locked up and went to my room. Aya was on the phone because I heard her talking. I tapped on the door before opening it. I saw her lying face down at the edge of the bed so her face was  towards the floor and she was on the phone.

1 comment:

  1. Alll rapist should be castrated, period.finito.poor yella,...Am so sorry.. I feel for emotions,
