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Saturday 22 January 2022


 I read the story of a Bangladeshi woman who had a pair of scissors left inside of her during surgery for twenty years. She lived with severe abdominal pains till the removal of the scissors. While reading the story, I kept thinking, this could have happened to anyone else.

It could have happened to anyone who has been through such a procedure. Then it struck me, how God has kept me. Sometimes, you cannot relate to these stories except you've been there too. I dismissed all the loose tongue comments I read on there. Comments suggesting the woman was careless, that she should have gone back to check with another hospital among others.

Others thought she was lucky. Indeed, she was lucky, she's special. Who lives with scissors inside them for twenty years? The only way to describe that in my opinion, is a 'miracle.' When you read such stories, you can only think of how special you are. Yes. 

I'll repeat this again, before surgery months ago, I know two people who died going through the same surgery before me. So you can imagine the uncertainty I must have felt during those times. Then I go through it, get back, and at a point when I was healing from all the pain, I wasn't so focused on how I was feeling. The focus was on how good it felt to go in there and come back. Suddenly my fears were gone, I began to feel really special-although in reality, there are no special people in the world. But we're special aren't we?

Everyone of us is special. You woke up to see today, you are truly special. Someone did not see 2022. A few nights ago, my friend and I visited the basketball court at the hospital's premises. Just when we sat down to watch the game, a hearse pulled up. Out of curiosity, our gazes followed it. There, they were, carrying a body bag on a stretcher. You should have seen the way they tossed him or her while transferring the body into the hearse. A rush of cold air over us, we were sad for a moment, but my friend said something interesting. "There goes someone, here we are sitting on the court, we're special."

That started a new argument but in they end, we both agreed that we were special so that meant enjoying every moment of being special including the days when feeling special sucks, like when all isn't well with you, you're feeling depressed, you are stressed out at work, school, having a health challengeetc. Just days when you tire from running your race on life's field. Remember,  Perhaps human beings may not make you feel special, but you're really special to God, bear that in mind.

You're special to be alive. Being alive is a miracle we take for granted everyday. Stop taking life for granted. Whether disabled, depressed, privileged no matter your condition, remember, I'm special and so are you.

You're just special!

This is for my darling friend Doris: You're stronger than you think. You're special♡

My second-hand body turned 9months this week. All the "Dear God, ass gone, boobs gone", I wish I never wrote them. On that note, "Dear God, ass back, boobs back, my clothes don't fit..I'm suffering from post op weight gain..please remember me, I'm content with size 12...pleaseee..."Amen!


Thursday 13 January 2022


2021 was the most difficult year of my life. I went through a lot of pain physically. I was traumatised. I spent the most part of it in bed as my recovery was slow. I had issues at home, yet I would rejoice and mourn with friends accordingly. Sometimes I put aside my burden to share fellowship with friends who were going through a difficult time.

However, I learned to know God for myself. Most importantly, I've come to a point where I know God is capable. There's absolutely nothing he cannot do. I probably prayed for life more than anyone in 2021. God didn't disappoint, he came through for me.
Thought I would share these lessons from my year of recovery with you. Yours may not be recovery from physical pain, it may be psychological or social healing or just certain aspects of your life you need to straighten up.

Having Intimacy With God
In 2021, I forgot my scriptures during the 3hours I spent in the theatre. I forgot Psalm 91, 35, 121, 23 etc. I couldn't remember all those scriptures Pastor Obed made me write down, despite knowing these scriptures off head. I could not pray in the theatre, instead, people stood in the gap for me during the 3hours.

There were months I couldn't wake up to join Dew of Glory, my daily devotional because my body was in a lot of pain and stopped waking up at 4.30.
Since January, 2021 I had woken up every 4.30 till 5:45 to pray, I never missed devotion. I spent hours on Friday nights praying. In those months during recovery I stopped praying yet the Lord kept me. I realised the past prayers were stored against the present. Those days I couldn't go to church I fell in love with Duncun Williams, I joined his services online every Sunday morning and played them back to put me to sleep. I fell in love with Joel Osteen too.
I could not pray or read the word. I however developed my relationship with God further during recovery. We all need God.

As individuals we must develop a relationship with God. That relationship must be nurtured, you must invest in that relationship just like you invest in your relationship with your spouse or beloved. Intimacy with God is personal and requires work on a daily basis. You'll agree that the relationships that have stood the test of time are those where both partners are consistent in intimacy. So in this new year, take time to work on your intimacy with God. Pray in advance it helps. Pray regularly be consistent in your walk with God.

Lesson number 2 for me was to invest. Save money, invest as much money as you can. Why? I stayed home for 7months and did not get paid for 3months as I opted to go on unpaid leave to enable me recover fully. I appreciated the savings, the investments. We don't save because we have enough. We save to enable us have enough tomorrow. Not that, I needed the money-I've lived in God's goodness but indeed the savings paid off. Lack of money would have made me jump into resuming work when my body could not handle the stress, I would have been compelled to slave in my condition.
So invest as much as you can, save for the future. You never know when you'll have to fall back on it. 

Investing In People and Relationships 
As you invest financially, invest in relationships as well. 2021 taught me the importance of family. My family was there from start to finish. My family saw the dirt that the outside world didn't see.  I bathed once every 3days when I came out of surgery, no one knew. I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed till 2pm sometimes. I learned to eat without brushing my teeth  because I couldn't get out of bed and did not want to burden anyone. No one saw all these except my family. 

While you invest in people keep in mind that not everyone will do for you what you do for them. Don't get disappointed, invest in people anyway. There are those who'll give it back on days you need it. Sometimes the people you take for granted become the best in your down times. Invest in family- family time, support emotionally, physically and financially. Choose quality friends. I don't have a big circle of friends but I do  have very quality friends, that's what you need in 2022.

Friends with faith 
Everyone needs friends with faith. During recovery I came to appreciate my friends with faith. Those friends who speak life into you. Those are the friends who make you feel your condition is small but your pain is valid. Those friends who call to just pray with us. The ones who record songs to encourage you through the dark days, the friends who can instantly turn phone conversations into a prayer session because you mentioned your doubt or challenge, the ones who organise prayer sessions just for you. We all need people who remind us of our faith in God and urge us on to keep our faith. The "I'm praying for you," "Bless you," kind of friends. You shouldn't only keep friends you can have a drink or shop with. You should have friends who help you preserve your faith walk with God  in 2022.

Stop looking for gold where there is none
Another major lesson in 2021- So I don't like people who don't like me. I don't hate them, I'm just not the person who goes the extra mile for those who clearly show they dislike me. Unlike some, who'll move mountains to try to make themselves likeable. The people who snitch on you will not stop because you made yourself likeable. Some people can never stop telling on you. It's a hobby, it's a trait. Instead invest in those who reciprocate your love. Stop chasing people who don't want to be chased. Go where you are celebrated. 

Nothing lasts forever 
In April 2021, I could barely walk. Today I'm well. When I posted a video of myself dancing days ago, colleagues who saw me on my resumption day at work were surprised, the dull walker dances now. I remember constantly posting "Dear God, ass gone, boobs gone," I remember all the things people said about my looks, and how sad I was to have lost my figure, losing 10 kilos in 3hours or so. Today, ass back, boobs back I'm actually telling  God to slow down on the weight.  Nothing in this life is permanent. If you don't give up, your situation will get better. I lost 10 kilos, regained 10 kilos again, I don't look anything like what I've been through. Your challenge can turn around, in 2022, things can actually get better for you. Keep going. 

Be selfish about you
2021 taught me to value myself more than  I was already  doing. The pain my body went through has given me a different view of who I am. Stop sleeping with every Tom Dick and Harry. Stop killing yourself for people. If I don't want to do it, nothing can make me do it. Why, if I don't want to see you, I won't because at the end of the day  it's me not you. I have become selfish.
In 2022, I won't do writing favours for free. Not even running my eyes through whatever...People were asking me for favours the very week I came out of surgery. Not even telling them my situation would stop them. My Boss was expecting me back at work immediately, I did not budge. I'm not God who created me. No one will rush me till my body is ready to move, because obviously no one knows my pain. 
Be selfish, do not be a peoples' pleaser. If you die, your replacement will take over. You're replaceable at work, but at home you're not. Your pain is valid, stop letting others make nothing of it for their selfish interests.
I can boast about living in the goodness of God in 2021. God took away all my pain, shame and sorrow. 

In 2022, I want to adopt a newly-born baby who looks like me- big forehead, huge thighs and big legs. If you know any, please prompt me😀

I want to see the Maldives and BoraBora. I want to be firmer and continue to be selfish- unyielding and uncompromising...

I want to be an official gold digger-my lessons begin immediately; contact me if I can get free lessons.

 I want a Yamaha Keyboard-please if you're reading this, may you be touched to send me one. More importantly, in this new year, I'm playing for people to worship God at least at Sunday Services- so help me God.

 I want to continue to go on all my MPs pages to seek clarification on issues and remind them of  the reason the people voted for them.

Remember to be everything 'you' in 2022.

Happy New Year Darlings!

My super amazing brother turned a new age. Brother like no other, my cash cow, my doctor, my mechanic, my Mr Fixit, my fightmate, laughing mate  my best and worse friend. The only person who can call me 'mad' and get away with it. God bless you for me brother♡