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Monday 27 May 2019


I'm sorry but I can't feel your broken-heartedness
And it bothers me how broken you look
I feel like you don't only deserve better but you're acting stupid right now..
Not because I don't know how it feels or what it entails.
 Not because I've never had one,
I must have forgotten how that feels though I know it hurts pretty bad.

You see, I realise  that only the person who is 'into me' and who 'loves me' can break my heart.
 Love hurts and love heals...
You should learn that too.

Scorned women plan a revenge
Scorned women lose their sweetness
Scorned women forget to take care of themselves before anyone else
Scorned women wear a green shoe and a nude one together
Scorned women go down quickly,
don't lose your sweetness for anyone.
Scorned women are the 'real' mad people in society because
they may look sane but act mad....

That's why I can't understand you
and your attitude ....
That's why I can't feel your pain....
Decide which woman you want to be!
If scorned, I only hope you don't lose you in the process.

Photo Source: Pinterest


  1. Dear supreme mother goddesses,if ever I forget who I really am and what shine I am made of,Kindly remind me I am your reflection!
