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Wednesday 31 December 2014

What Have I Done For Me Lately?

Being overly available to people leads to misconduct.
People never value others till they have said 'good bye'. I have personally taken people for granted only to realise their worth after I've successfully made them feel unworthy. Then it dawns on me that I had taken them for granted for quite too long. Cherish the people who are available to you when you need them most..don't wait till they are gone to realise how important they were to you.

It's always better to start new friendships and begin anew than dwell on old ones where you can count the number of times they made you feel shitty but never make the old mistakes again. Forgive though. I beg to differ.

Forget the people who enter into agreement with others and pull out at the last minute without any  notice...Let God be the judge.

Let go of the people who ask you for personal stuff whilst asking other chicks out to the pub: sister you are worth more than that. You deserve to be asked out to the pub too and even more not only for personal stuff.

Forget the boys who disrespect the black sisters for the white sisters because they are sorting them out far away. Black is beautiful too, no disrespect to my white sisters.

Forget the boys who fall for the girls who buy them pizza, game tickets and tickets to shows:even when they claim they are committed to you:cheap boys.

Forget the boys who post  personal pictures of other girls on facebook, instagram, twitter because you can't see them and yet still profess to love you. What happened to loyalty?

Forget the boys who will never go out of their way to do stuff for you.
Would you please forget the boys who would never skip a meal for you, yet you lose sleep over them...

Forget the boys who never buy you a pin.
Sister wake up, you are holding on to nothing.

Sister get a life...
You are worth more than that...
Value yourself, if you don't, no one will.

Forget the boys who when you block, never try to reach you. Sister you deserve one who would fight to speak with you.

Again would you please forget the boys who take stuff from you to give to other girls. That's disrespect. Sister wake up, you deserve better.
As 2014 ends, will my sisters let go of the past and celebrate themselves.

I love Sinach's song:'I know who I am'.
Every girl should listen to it every morning before you step out. You are created in the image of God. You are God's favourite girl. Let no man make you feel worthless. You are beautiful, intelligent, you are someone's weed: addiction. You are someone's dream girl. Realise it now.

As 2014 ends, will my sisters ask themselves: 'what have I done for me lately?'
Sister it's never too late to do anything for yourself. Create your own personal brand, do something you have been wanting to do forever, get into your dream profession etc. Above all don't forget that God loves you even in the midst of it all.

When you go spending  forty five minutes at the salon, you get bored and your creative mind goes to Inspired by my time at the salon tonight. This is for all the beautiful, strong sisters I know.


  1. Nice piece. You were advising ladies but trust me there are ladies who do worse than what some guys do. Not all guys are bad and not all ladies are bad. There are guys who would do good things for a lady and he will still not mean anything to that lady. Its a very painful experience which I pray no one gets to experience.

    1. Richard, forget the people who do not appreciate the good you do for them. There's always someone who would appreciate it, , it's just a matter of finding that person. Sure there are sweet guys and girls.
      Thank you.

  2. Mmmm... (clearing my throat..)

    Sounds good, much work in it and great piece but leaves a lot of puzzles out yet to be solved..

    I will add to it that, you need to listen to your inner self and your intusion cos you could have it wrongly if you have to look at acts by the other person to make judgment...

    When it comes to seeing the right person to sacrifice and give your attention too, you need to also pray...

    It's very positive to be confident in yourself, yes right on the head of the nail but also, you need to be focused and listen to the Holy Spirit who will not let you astray... most at times we make a lot of mistakes cos we depend solely on our preferred natural principles and movie views, and other people's (friends mostly) views to make our final opinions and a conclusions and we get it wrong... most of the people out there counselling leave the God factor out or mention it minimally.. but I dnt share that with them...

    The title of this article is solid... "WHAT HAVE I DONE FOR ME LATELY?" very straight to the point with direct instruction for one to work on his/herself before stepping out... so I say, before u step out or get involved with anything, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and direct u..

