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Thursday 19 March 2015

Cherish! Cherish! Cherish!

Cherish the people who call you friends.
Cherish the people you call friends
Cherish them.
Cherish the people who pray for you
Cherish the people who pray with you
Its the best thing anyone can do for you
Cherish them.
Cherish the people who call you
Cherish the people you call
Cherish the people who can just leave all they have to do to have deep conversations with you.
Cherish the people who have  drinks with you
Cherish the people you have a drink with
Cherish them.
Cherish the people who laugh with you
Cherish the people who cry with you
Cherish them.
Cherish people for choosing to be your friend when they had a hundred options to choose from.
Cherish the boy who adores you when there are a hundred other girls to choose from.
Cherish that dude who looks at your face and writes you a fat cheque
He's not stupid
He just likes to share his money with you.
Cherish the girl who kisses you
She's not clingy
Kissing you feels like she has never kissed her entire life because it feels right
Its not because you are a good kisser.
Cherish the guy who hugs you like you are his world
Its not because you smell super nice of some J'lo but because hugging you feels special.
Stop with the attitude and  lose talk.

I think people should stop wasting time on people who do not cherish the little things in life. A couple of months ago, I went out of town. This was a trip I had been looking forward to and had ended up postponing for so long. Finally I went. It felt lonely in the midst of strangers; white and black. Apart from the public places I went to, I was lonely most of the time. I still appreciate those two special girls I met from Botswana and Cameroon. It felt like I had met my own sisters. Talking about nothing special from make up, hair, food, movies to babies. That evening, I was so elated. At last I had gotten people to talk to. You didn't have to text me, I think I kept calling people all the time on viber just to talk. I learned to cherish having people to talk to

People should stop wasting time on people who do not cherish them. People should learn to cherish others.   When people leave all they have to do to give you attention, they aren't idle or fools. Cherish them. Cherish people whilst they are alive. Stop writing them long tributes when they are dead. Celebrate them when they are alive. Forgive easily, help when you can, laugh and cry with them, if you can't choose to be their audience. Don't hurt them. Smile at them. Listen to them. Be nice to people, know what to say at the right time.  If not, learn to shut up. Sometimes people aren't anti-social, they just choose to be instead of wasting time with stupid people.  Don't wait till you lose them to realise you could have been nicer. Cherish, cherish people. Write them nice things to read and laugh instead of writing them long tributes full of things you wish you had done for them . They can't hear you. They would cherish it better than the farewell notes and so called tributes.  People should stop with the hypocrisy.

This one has to be for my new friend at ******.  I love it when you scream  my name and blow me kisses when I turn to look at


  1. Well i cherish u a lot, not for what u are or have bt for who u are.

    1. I cherish you too my dear friend. .I just remembered l, m and s...hahahahahahahahahah

  2. Cherish I do you nd adore u forever ma chocolita.. I dnt scream ur name nd blow u kisses but I love u same....since uv stop loving me

    1. Madness!! Jealous are jealous because someone is blowing me kisses. ...well what can I say, start blowing me kisses too. I cherish and adore you forever even though you are mad.
      I love you too, very much.....x
