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Sunday 10 May 2015

You Are A Woman

For once, these women who preach 'You don't need a man' admit they have their lonely moments.  They cry, they go through days when they wish they had their own children or their own men.

I have come to understand that, not everyone gets what they want at every stage in life. Sometimes, you can push your way through: you can work your way to where you want to be, or who you want to be.

Yet, certain things in life, such as being a wife or a mother cannot be achieved the same way you can work at becoming a pilot or a doctor. Even motherhood has options. You can choose to be a surrogate mum or  adopt a child and still have someone call you Mummy.

What about being a wife? No one adopts a wife or calls anyone my step wife or surrogate wife. You are either married or you are single. You cannot push yourself to become a wife. In writing my novel: Sunshine Dollup, I came to relate so well to my main character who was single and told the story so well I believe. I can now comprehend the single woman better.

Watching all these single women: childless, being celebrated Today: sharing their experiences, admitting their weaknesses, I just realized that sometimes,  you cannot have it all though others do.

You just have to learn to be content.
You are a woman, just be content.
Womanhood is a blessing. 

To the one woman who keeps reminding me that, giving up is not an option and that regardless of what time and age it is, I can still get there; my alarm clock, my fightmate, my prayer partner, my best and worst friend, my advisor, the most patient and tolerant woman I've ever known, my seamstress, hairstylist, my teacher.....the list goes on, my Alice.

To  a mum in heaven, forever in my heart.

To every woman who has been a mother to me, I appreciate you....
I have quite a tall list, would rather not mention names.

To the mother of the man of my dreams :)  thanks in advance.

To every woman, celebrating you'all.


  1. Have you voted for my friend: Dorcas Wangira yet? If no, please follow the link to vote for D's story on marternal health care in Kenya in the people's choice award. Thanks.

  2. Beautiful words.God does love us and has made us for Himself.And when He decides to allow us to embrace someone else,He will give us peace about it.
    Thanks for the support.
