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Tuesday 23 February 2021


Deal with your baggage when it comes along 
Speak up when the baggage is overbearing 
When people disappoint you, deal with it
When people mess with your heart and emotions 
Bleed, and heal
When your hubby or boyfriend cheats on you,
Make sure you cry and work on your self esteem 
When those you love die,
Make sure you cry, grieve and heal properly 
When menstruation, childbirth, endometriosis, cyst, fibroids depress you as a woman,
Seek the appropriate help
And make sure you heal properly 
Don't just carry your baggage 
One day, the baggage will be too heavy
Heavy and overbearing 
Overbearing for your heart and mind
You'll start enjoying being alone
You'll neglect your body
Abandon those things that used to give you pleasure 
And drown in a dark world
You may drown completely and never come back
Today is the time to slap people who cause you pain
Spit in their faces if it makes you feel better
Rant and scream if it makes you feel better 
Cry all you can, just make sure you cry
Let it out
But never bottle it in
Don't let the baggage of womanhood turn you into a baggage tomorrow because of unresolved conflicts 
Take care of yourself 
Dear Woman, you must value yourself enough to walk away from verbal abuse and other things that affect your mental health when you can
Don't wait till tomorrow to suffer
Don't do that to yourself 
You deserve better!

Photos Source:Pinterest 


  1. I carried a lot of baggage for so long a time but I sure have damped them now.🤗. #ideservebetter

    1. Sure, you deserve better Eyram.
      Glad to hear you let it go.

  2. I carried a lot of baggage for so long a time but I sure have damped them now.🤗. #ideservebetter

  3. Yeah we definitely deserve better cos if you loose ( YOU ),,you have lost your God given self ...,,there’s no one else again in this world other than you,so you must take care of you !!!!

    1. You're right Lintema. That's deep- thanks for sharing.

  4. Great Piece, Dealing with your baggage is something most people do not know how to deal with.

    1. Thanks AJ.
      Yes but we must definitely deal with it.
