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Saturday 21 November 2020


What have I done for me lately?
Do you sometimes stop to ask yourself this question as a woman?
Sometimes we become overwhelmed by the pressures of life and womanhood 
Periods, pregnancy, childbirth
Taking care of our men, families
Ensuring we're giving our best in our various fields of expertise etc.
Sometimes taking care of our men and families becomes our top priority to the point where we forget to pause
To ask what we've done for ourselves lately
This week, read a new book and lots of articles on personal growth and development, get a new look, go to the spa and get pampered(take money from him for it if that's how you can rock you)
Go get a drink by yourself- all alone to clear your head and enjoy your 'me' time
Look out for you- instead of the world
Sometimes we forget to look out for ourselves 
No one can take care of you if you fail to take care of you first
So while you run around in this crazy world, remember to pause for a moment to ask yourself if you've done anything for yourself lately.
Remember who you are....
A woman 
You light up the world 
Keep shining woman!

Photo Source:Pinterest