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Sunday 22 November 2020


I remember growing up, my dad would wash my panties even at JHS 2 and he would cook for us. He found delight in cooking for us especially when my Mum was not around. He did virtually everything for us. I grew up wanting a man like my dad.

 In my eyes, he was perfect. 
He taught me that a girl's real dance must be with her Dad. I remember us always having a dance competition where my siblings were the Judges.

He knew the answer to every single question we would ask him. He lied to me or so that knowledge was in every single book. He made me read from John Grisham to Jackie Collins. He bought them and did not limit me. My first table lesson was from my Dad. He taught my siblings and I to use our cutlery correctly and he ensured that you used it at the table and he would stress that you ate quickly but not in a way that will choke you.

These current crop of  men can't even cut up water melon or tomatoes. They think that being able to afford a woman's need is all there is to manhood. Some think that it's a woman's duty to clean and  cook for them. They can't even make an omelette to save a life. 

They burden their women with everything from cutting their nails to fixing their meals. Spoilt men!. Their manhood is only in their financial muscles and not opening doors for women or pulling chairs for them to get seated. They want women to lick their footsteps.

Dear men, a man who can perform some basic culinary skills is not only a turn on, but will help prolong his woman's life. 
Dear women, teach your sons to cook, clean and  treat women like the English men do. We're tired of all these crop of badly behaved men parading our homes and streets. It's nauseating.

To the men who are not spoilt and are real gentlemen, we adore you!

Photo Source:Pinterest 


  1. This needs to be posted on all social media platforms.
    Great piece ๐Ÿ˜˜

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