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Thursday 27 December 2018

Are you counting the stars?

Tonight reminds me of my Aunty Mercy, of blessed memory. When Aunty woke up daily,  beside feeding and nurturing her soul, taking care of her body was top on the list of to do things.

She would quickly take a shower, dress up and make up and just sit and wait for her hubby. If make up and looking good were the things that kept a man at home,  then my Aunty did not slack at all....

Aunty Mercy and I, when we were in Legon together, would be all dolled up looking  like one of my peers, it was a delight to hear my friends say 'look at your Aunty' when we passed by Volta Hall or bumped into her each time.

  Aunty lived her life with a disease that would send her to an early grave just like it did to most people.

Her hubby knew she wouldn't last as doctors had told him. I'm wondering if Aunty knew because even if she did, dolling up to keep her hubby at home  was more of a priority. She lived a day at a time. She was happy and enjoyed her life till she was called to rest.

Lately, people allow all the troubles of this world to eat them up, they forget to live. Some people brood over life's uncertainties so much they lose their sense of humour, self worth and beauty.  People simply forget to live because of that one baggage they carry. Yet people who have been condemned to death and are just waiting to die, are living and putting their best into each day.

Life is war, life is how you make it, oh yes. But why do we have to worry so much, grieve so much and forget to live? Condemned to death and awaiting death, my Aunty Mercy still lived each day like a party day.

What are you doing through your challenging times?  Are you counting the stars lighting up your dark world? Are you overwhelmed by the darkness, you forget to view the little stars?

As 2018 draws to a close, let's learn not to allow that baggage to weigh us down and  suck the sweetness out of us, that we stop living. Your baggage isn't bigger than your God. Lighten up!

With fond memories of my Aunty Mercy Agra.
Merry Christmas dearies!


  1. On that 2018 I have learned not to allow my baggages to suck the sweetness out of me. Many happy returns to you Elikem Adiku

  2. Very well said 👏👏👏👏
    Happy New Year,

  3. Count the stars
    Pick each and celebrate
    Whiles we wait for the morning star
    Cloud not your dark sky
    For each star is bright
    Lighten up
    Enjoy life
    Each day at a time

    Thanks for sharing!!

    1. .....thanks for this lovely piece right here and for reading.

  4. Nice piece...... Wow I am touched!!!!

    Forget the dark clouds and move on
