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Wednesday 1 August 2018

Sickly Women: 'Melinda of Acrimony'

I do not empathise with Melinda in Tyler Perry's 'Acrimony' one bit, a stance that I'm sure will start a discussion  among feminists. Robert was no good guy either but he isn't my problem. My concern is the giver/ receiver... Who was waiting for milk and honey to flow some day hence helped build the success story. Well, she did well but if what you are receiving isn't worth it, what do you do after trying loads of times? You flee.

It is also always better to make your own decisions though friends and family can help you reach it they should not be the ones to dictate to you.

I'm a woman and people will expect me to empathise with one of my own but I'll tell you why I'm not going to be on Melinda in Acrimony's side.

You don't attract sympathy, when you choose not to look out for yourself first before others. You don't love you, and expect people to love you, really?

She wasn't a bad chick at all, she was just a woman in love with a man who gave her good sex and her love for him drained her. She was also a bit sick in the head and it's unfortunate no one around her noticed and pushed her to get help.

You find out your man has cheated on you, two options lay before you: dump him and move on or stay and work things out - whichever way. You don't attempt a mini suicide in the process of trying to harm him. (That was when he should have left her life for good. After she got discharged from the hospital or even realised she was nuts for  attempting to kill herself whether deliberately or unintentionally  because she caught him with another girl).

How do you work two jobs and have your man stay in bed all day? Why, are you made of metal? No he didn't force you, you chose to take care of him.

In the end he moves on, only because you chose to divorce him and you want to kill yourself?  I realise men move on faster than women. Did Melinda not know this?

How does a woman not look out for herself first?
Melinda did not value herself, she was pretty when younger and looked sad while all grown up.

She lost her friendship with her sisters at a point. Your sisters are people you live with for life, who can change their blood relation?  How do you get married without having them present on the most important day of your life? You had two options. Work with your man to make them accept your choice or make your sisters understand why it has to be him.

And her sisters, never pushed her to get help. Or was Melinda ignorant of how cold men can be, to the point she thought she could love her man, before loving herself?

Watching Melinda pisses me off. ..
A bad example for women who choose to help men build their success stories.

And she isn't the only sickly, ignorant or stuck in love woman. There are several of them out there. We need to move away from putting a man before you and love yourself enough to walk away. Walk away with some pride and dignity .
Stop working your ass off for a man who does not value it. Only a few of them will stay loyal to you. Get help if you are going nuts but if you decide to be all that to a man, 'sister' it's a choice make sure you don't lose yourself.

We are tired of this drama with women trying to emulate Jesus and giving their all only to get hurt. If you are doing it, good job but sister don't get sick in the process, don't lose yourself. I find planning a revenge and actually seeing it through sickly and a waste of time.

The best revenge in my opinion is moving on and turning your scars into stars. Melinda was obsessed with getting back at the man, she lost herself. Most often the people you plan to revenge against do not think of you. Robert was moving on with his life wasn't he?

What's annoying about Melinda is she lost herself: lost her sweetness, lost her beauty, lost her sanity, I think she lost her life ...I won't say more.

Love is supposed to bring out the best in you or even push you to become better. She wasn't getting any of that from him, so why was she still holding on?

Photo Source: Google Photos

What being on a bed can make you do. Make you see the ugly in a movie you watched countless times before now...


  1. "How do you work two jobs and have your man stay in bed all day"? did i just read this? well Robert was never in bed all day, he was tirelessly researching and working on his battery so this is factually inaccurate. I disagree with a lot of things this writer says, but i respect her views. watch out for my own opinion soon. Melinda run a good race but didn't cross the finish line which is what matters most in life. who cost her not to finish the race? her sisters or her inability to persevere? good things come to those who wait.

    1. Lol. What happened to your opinion? Did you forget? It would have been really nice to read it.
