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Friday 25 December 2015

Do You Know The Birthday Boy?

'Silver bells, silver bells
Its Christmas time in the city
Ring- a- ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day...'

Blake Shelton's silver bells and I love it!

Well the yultide season is here again , a time when christians around the world commemorate the birth of Christ. It's  a time for celebration, a time to give, a time to  spend with loved ones and those who mean the world to you. A time to take vacations, to get married and do lots of things I guess.

One thing I love about Christmas is the carols and the dozens of activities lined up: shows, plays, parties and the list goes on. My Christmas began last week with the Mtn festival of lessons and carols, party and this week, parties, play: more fun.....Last night, festival of lessons at church  got me smiling from ear to ear. I felt young again. It ended early enough so after party could begin. I went to bed at three in the morning so your guess is as good as mine.

It was crazy. Ghanafuo wo krom: y3 wo krom which literally means 'We are in town.' Republic, So ho, Coco lounge,  well from the little I saw, 'we are in town.' I loved the spirit but I
just came to the realization that it really does not matter which way you choose to celebrate. What matters is if this yuletide means anything to you. Do you know the birthday boy?

Remember a personal relationship with the birthday person is the reason for the season.
You can't be a gate-crusher or an ordinary guest at his celebration: 'a personal relationship or a continuous personal relationship' with him will make the season more meaningful. Be or keep being a friend of Jesus....

The liquor, the dudes and girls, smoke and you know the others will not depict the real reason for the season. It's a spirit soul and body thing.  Whilst we do all that, do not lose yourself: there's a reason for the season.

Wishing you all the blessings that come with the celebration of his birth: joy, peace, good health amongst others.

I love my friends who are sending me glad tidings and then stating from: Mr&Mrs...................Everybody should get married already and send me such

Puppishgirl sending you seasons Greetings...


  1. I hear the silver bells ringing...I see the gifts that Santa keeps bringing in for the kids...indeed it is Christmas in the city.. Been a good one for me already....Merry Christmas puppishgirl

    1. I know it was a good one for you.
      I'm happy for you.
