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Thursday 24 September 2015

A Feeling Or Another Pose For The Cameras?

Lately the trend has been that people take photos with their significant other either helping them put on their shoes or depicting a particular act of love or care. How do you not kiss your wife every day but choose to kiss her just to take photos? It really doesn't make sense.

When people are attracted to each other or in love, it is natural to want to make your partner feel comfortable and do stuff for them so it doesn't matter where you are. Whether in public or in private, you can't help playing with your wife's hair or kissing her forehead. 

In our part of the world, you see a woman struggling to carry shopping bags whilst her man walks comfortably beside her. (So annoying).  A woman carries a baby at her back and still holds two bags yet her husband walks beside her gorgeously. (Most annoying part is they are both chatting.!)

Elsewhere, In the Western world,  the act of treating women like a lady comes with being a man. Things  such as  holding out the door is just another duty or responsibility as well as
pulling chairs for a woman to get seated, helping a woman hang her jacket amongst others. You can't imagine pulling out your own  chair to sit down whilst on a date with a guy (If you are not my man, good for you! )

In our part of the world,  you hardly see men kiss women in public. Not even a peck, random forehead, hand kisses or holding each other.( Eeeerrrrmmm well I get it...culture it is!!) Holding out the door, pulling the chair amongst others is considered such a task by some dudes in this part of the world.  (Some  do  though. Bless the dudes  who do.)

Now what's this taking photos doing the Pda just for the camera's? (Mostly newly weds).  Why would you want to do that? My man has got to help me wear my shoes every day or help carry the shopping bags all the time whilst I walk gorgeously like a queen beside him every time I go shopping and he's available. He must not do it just for show.
Caring and loving someone is something that needs to come naturally from within unless you are acting. You don't just pose for the cameras because that's what is currently trending. No! Feel it...act it!

My sister told me the story of an elderly woman who was entering a pharmacy after a young guy of about eighteen entered. She was mad at the young man for not opening and holding out the door for her. She told the young man that, his duties as a man included- holding out the door for a woman irrespective of their age.
I think Mothers should teach their boys from home because  those are everyday things and not necessarily a preserve for people who like each other. A lady's got to be treated like one any day. (Bless all mothers who have done such a good job with their boys... I doff my scarf to you!) I also think that more men in our part of the world should  carry out such acts and do the pda often not just for taking pictures.  Pda should be a way of life else don't do it at all. (How do you just show off in pictures? )  Well just my personal opinion.

If treating women like ladies is a part of you...then this piece is for you.  You know yourself!!


  1. You got it... let's do these things in reality other than doing it and posing for the Camera's.... #word

  2. We must learn to be cultured. Common sense
