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Saturday 22 January 2022


 I read the story of a Bangladeshi woman who had a pair of scissors left inside of her during surgery for twenty years. She lived with severe abdominal pains till the removal of the scissors. While reading the story, I kept thinking, this could have happened to anyone else.

It could have happened to anyone who has been through such a procedure. Then it struck me, how God has kept me. Sometimes, you cannot relate to these stories except you've been there too. I dismissed all the loose tongue comments I read on there. Comments suggesting the woman was careless, that she should have gone back to check with another hospital among others.

Others thought she was lucky. Indeed, she was lucky, she's special. Who lives with scissors inside them for twenty years? The only way to describe that in my opinion, is a 'miracle.' When you read such stories, you can only think of how special you are. Yes. 

I'll repeat this again, before surgery months ago, I know two people who died going through the same surgery before me. So you can imagine the uncertainty I must have felt during those times. Then I go through it, get back, and at a point when I was healing from all the pain, I wasn't so focused on how I was feeling. The focus was on how good it felt to go in there and come back. Suddenly my fears were gone, I began to feel really special-although in reality, there are no special people in the world. But we're special aren't we?

Everyone of us is special. You woke up to see today, you are truly special. Someone did not see 2022. A few nights ago, my friend and I visited the basketball court at the hospital's premises. Just when we sat down to watch the game, a hearse pulled up. Out of curiosity, our gazes followed it. There, they were, carrying a body bag on a stretcher. You should have seen the way they tossed him or her while transferring the body into the hearse. A rush of cold air over us, we were sad for a moment, but my friend said something interesting. "There goes someone, here we are sitting on the court, we're special."

That started a new argument but in they end, we both agreed that we were special so that meant enjoying every moment of being special including the days when feeling special sucks, like when all isn't well with you, you're feeling depressed, you are stressed out at work, school, having a health challengeetc. Just days when you tire from running your race on life's field. Remember,  Perhaps human beings may not make you feel special, but you're really special to God, bear that in mind.

You're special to be alive. Being alive is a miracle we take for granted everyday. Stop taking life for granted. Whether disabled, depressed, privileged no matter your condition, remember, I'm special and so are you.

You're just special!

This is for my darling friend Doris: You're stronger than you think. You're special♡

My second-hand body turned 9months this week. All the "Dear God, ass gone, boobs gone", I wish I never wrote them. On that note, "Dear God, ass back, boobs back, my clothes don't fit..I'm suffering from post op weight gain..please remember me, I'm content with size 12...pleaseee..."Amen!