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Wednesday 22 July 2020


Today, I woke up with images of you in my mind’s eye
Because you were in my dreams
As we walked arm in arm
I wasn’t sure you wanted that,
Because you were in my dreams
It was a dream
In reality, you wouldn’t speak to me
I wonder why I keep seeing you
There in my dreams

Physically, I’ve let go
Spiritually I’ve let go
Mentally I’ve let go
But you were there,
There in my dreams
My emotions are all over the place
I wish you could touch my soul and see how purple it is
Purple for a dance I had with the sun
The sun who has become irreplaceable
A dance that took forever to forget
I want another dance with the sun
You were in my dreams
There in my dreams

If you gave me another dance
If you let me dance with the sun again
If you let me have a dance with the sun ever again
Why am I so distraught
What is this that I want
Another dance with the sun
Sweet, memorable and lasting
You were in my dreams
There in my dreams


Photo Source: Google Photos